PayPerHead247 – Handicappers Hideaway

Cryptocurrency Bonuses

Cryptocurrency is Becoming Most Valid Way to Deposit and Get Bonuses at Online Bookmakers Bitcoin has fast become the number one deposit method, cryptocurrency or not, for not only the largest online sportsbooks but the smaller, lesser-known guys as well. Bitcoin is considered to be the largest cryptocurrency in the world and has literally taken …

Sports Betting Players

Sports Betting Players are a PPH Bookie’s Moneymaker If you’re already a PPH bookie or looking to become one, understand that sports betting players are going to be your bread and butter most weeks. The additional gambling options are more volatile. With that being said, it’s important to focus on attracting sports betting players to …

New Way to do Business for a Bookie

Being a Bookie Means a lot of Changes for the Good Business as usual is no longer ‘business as usual’. In this business of being a bookie, you had better figure out what sells, and what it is that your clients want if you want to keep them. There is only one priority as a …

An Honest Review on Bookie Software

Picking the Right Bookie Software is Critical There are many different aspects that come together and help shape a good and solid sportsbook experience, and bookie software is critical. If you’ve been in this business for a while already, then you know that people work in many different ways. There is not really a right …

NFL Player Prop Bets For You

NFL Prop Bets are Becoming More Popular Sports betting in general has evolved in many different ways in the past few years. NFL Prop Bets have changed some of that thinking. What we used to know from the old school doesn’t necessarily apply anymore, things have changed dramatically, in a good way of course, with …

Real Madrid FC — David Alaba makes jump to LaLiga

David Alaba Expected to Boost Real Madrid FC Offense There are players that are harder to sign than others, we all know that. However, it’s quite difficult to say no when it’s Real Madrid knocking at your door, and even more if they’re constantly doing it. David Alaba has been a player for Bayern Munich …

North American Bookies Finding Success With the PPH

The Right PPH Software is out There for Bookies Sports bettors are looking for options when it comes to betting and they will find them. The online competition is fierce, and bookies must make the right move to keep these folks on the hook. Bettors want betting options available to them and they want it …

Services That a Bookie Should Always Look For

A Bookie is Always Needing to Expand Servies There has been a huge explosion in sports betting and the growth isn’t expected to slow down anytime soon, especially for a bookie. In 2018, the Supreme Court invalidated Nevada’s monopoly on legal sports betting and since then, 20 other states have approved the practice. That simply …

Lionel Messi has Three Real Options for Next Season

What in Next for Lionel Messi? What is Lionel Messi going to do next? We’re getting closer to the end of the football season in Europe, and among several different interesting topics, there is one that will definitely steal the headlines in the next few weeks. The Argentinian superstar was more then clear a few …

How to Cut Down Your Losses as Bookies

Bookies Need to Utilize PPH Tools to Limit Losses Pay per head software is certainly not a new phenomenon for bookies in the sports gambling business. Some of the more prominent per head providers have been around for more than a decade and many of those parent companies have been around for more than twenty …

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