Get Top of the Line PayPerHead Software from RealBookies
Bookies are searching for the perfect solution to making this job easier and RealBookies has the answer. The novice doesn’t understand the duties that come along with a bookies job. This gig is a fun one, but not necessarily an easy one, if you want to make money in this business, then just as any other business, you must have the proper tools for the job. Bookies the world over, are using a premier pay per head online sportsbook solution.
A Pay Per Head is software—
Many folks ask, what exactly is a pay per head and what are its functions? What can a pay per head do for me, is it expensive and are programming skills needed?
- A pay per head is a software program that was built, designed, and programmed for the common, everyday computer user to operate easily. If you are reading this text, then you have already mastered the skills it takes to use pay per head software.
- The software that you will be using is not software that you must download onto your PC or any type of computer that you may be using. This pay per head software is totally desktop driven, (meaning that all you do is point the mouse and click to open the program every day and your sportsbook is open for the day). The software is as if you were using Microsoft Word, it’s that easy.
- The pay per head provider can be looked at as if they were a company such as Microsoft. When you purchase a program such as Word or Office 365. You are sent a link, you click that link and follow the directions. There is no need for a computer science degree, or web hosting/site-building experience.
- The pay per head provider that you sign up with will take care of every detail which includes your personal web address, (a .com, domain name). This website is custom-built for you and your players.
- By signing up with a pay per head, you are taking your business online and what’s great, you have to do absolutely nothing. The PPH provider does all of the work. They build the site using their bookie software and all you do is point and click every day. All your players have to do is point and click every day.
- Once you have signed up with the PPH, all you need to do is point your players in the right direction. You give them a password and they are ready to start playing.
- The deposit options for your players are strictly between you and the player, however, the best pay per head providers in the industry will offer friendly advice and helpful ideas as to the best way in which to receive deposits as well as payouts.
- The daily sporting events are set by the PPH provider. There will be a wagering menu just as on any online sportsbook.
- Your website will look like a typical online sportsbook. Players will have no idea how you built the site, who built it or who operates it. What they will see is a typical looking online bookie site.
- You will have the ability to offer an online casino and racebook along with your sportsbook. Your client will not have to log off and go to another site, they will have full access to everything you offer, under one roof.
- The PPH sets the daily lines and odds (which you have full control to change at any time). They also take care of accepting bets, this is done automatically through the website after the client logs in and places a wager or it can be done on the phone if the client decided to phone in the bet.
- You and your client will have 24/7 access to a toll-free hotline that’s accessible from the United States.
- You will have access to on-demand, financial and player reports. Now you can stay on top of your players and how every dollar is spent. You have the knowledge of who is beating you and who’s losing – you have this information available at any time.
Bookies are tired of working hard and not seeing the rewards. The busy season is here and now is the perfect time to take advantage of a 4-week free trial offer. Call the PPH provider and get moving in the right direction and take control of your financial future with that perfect bookie software for no more than $10 per head. You have nothing to lose.
Learn more about PayPerHead:
- PayPerHead in Game Betting
- Enhace your Customer Service with PayPerHead Online Bookie Software
- Running your own Online Casino with PayPerHead