You Must Find a Quality Pay Per Head Solution
What is a pay per head, how much does it cost, and what can it do for you as a local bookie? These are the questions being asked by bookies across the United States. If you are a local bookie then you are well aware of how difficult it is to stay consistent. You have players that come in for some events and then go away for weeks.
Then you have players that want betting options that you simply can’t offer. The pay per head is the bookmaker. They give you all the tools needed to successfully operate an online bookmaking business, but they don’t ask you to do a thing, they do all of the work!

- A top of the line pay per head provider will charge you around $7-$13 per head, per week. Now, before you jump off the boat and say “I can’t afford this” listen carefully, you can beat the fees altogether. Here is how…
- Local bookies have a tough job, it’s much tougher than many people think it is. Bookies are often thought of as if they are a character right out of the movie “Casino”. When people think of bookies, they often think of Cadillac’s, Italian suits, and a thick wad of hundreds in the front pocket. This is simply a huge misnomer. This may be the case I .001% of the time. Most local bookies are cash strapped and they are hustling to get every player they can find and every bet they can drum up.
- What does this mean? This means that if you are a local bookie then you know exactly what we are talking about and you know that you pinch pennies at every opportunity. When you are hit with the possibility of some crazy fee, your first gut reaction is to say no. Local bookies are losing out to this way of thinking.
- The PPH charges you based on player activity. You may have 50-players and they are probably never active at one time. You only pay for active players, per week. If 10-of your 50-players placed at least one wager in any given week, then you are on the hook for the one-time, weekly fee. The best part of this is the fact that your players may place as many bets as they choose for that one low fee. They can play the one time, or they can place 100-bets, the amount is unlimited for the one low price per week.
- Most bookmakers that are online with a PPH will set a minimum wager amount, and most of them will set the amount at whatever the per head fee is, per week. Now, the best PPH providers on the internet are charging between $7-$13 per head. Let’s use $13 as an example… Your player comes in, places a bet on the Rams and you are charged $13 for that player, for that week. If your minimum wager amount is $15 per wager, then you have covered the cost of the PPH fee for that week and your player may continue to play as much as they wish with no additional fee to you. You have just beat the PPH fee altogether and you are getting the service for free!
- The best PPH providers also offer you a free, custom-built gaming website. The site is professional, and it appears to the public just as most online bookmakers appear. You get all of the bells and whistles that are offered from any online sportsbook that you can dial up right now in 30-seconds.
- The point here is this… Do not let the PPH fee stand in your way of signing on with one. If you want to earn big profits from gaming, then you must get online. The PPH also offers a fantastic virtual casino, as well as a world-class racebook. You want both of these gaming genera’s. They will earn you a pile of extra income.
Read per head reviews and find one that comes with a great reputation for customer service and one that offers an 800 number that’s accessible from the United States. Look for one that offers a gaming-friendly agent that speaks great English, and one that will give you up to a month to try them for free. Call today and make 2021 your most profitable year ever.
More information at : is a leader on per head online solutions