What Should You Look For On A PricePerHead Website? – Handicappers Hideaway

What Should You look for on a PricePerHead Website?

A1 Priceperhead Website

Website and Software can Make or Break a PricePerHead

The PricePerHead website brand is a unique thing, or at least it should be. We like to think there is still some individualism left in this business and we want to give you some friendly advice as to what matters for you as a bookie and what doesn’t. The PPH has taken over the gaming industry as we know it and they have changed the lives of bookies across the United States and the world over.

What is it that makes them so special and sought after? They are a dime a dozen nowadays and everybody that’s anybody is offering some new rock-bottom deal to join and sign on the bottom line. Are the promises too good to be true? Is it necessary to operate under the blanket of a PPH to earn a great income as a bookie? Let’s take a look at the burning questions and makes sense of the phenomena.

Look for a PPH that’s been around the block a time or two: You do not want to do business with a startup. They may or may not know what they are doing but it’s highly likely they have no idea what they are doing. The PPH business is meant to get you online at a fair price, with all of the bells and whistles.

A1 Priceperhead Software

You want a PricePerHead That Does Your Job for You.

  • The reason you want a PricePerHead is not to compete with other online bookmakers. Get that out of your thinking right now. It’s next to impossible to compete with the largest names in the sportsbook industry. Some of them have hundreds of thousands of clients and make untold millions of dollars annually. You are not in competition with them.
  • You compete with your established clients! Yes, you read that correctly. You are in competition with your clients and here is why. They know who the other guys are, and they are using them right now. That’s right. When you are closed for the day, they head to the desktop or mobile device and fire up their favorite online bookmaker.
  • You see, your clients gamble when you are not open. This is not about you. This is about them and you must be open for business 24/7. If you offer the service, they will show up and be loyal. If you close at nighttime, they will be loyal until you are no longer available to take their phone call.
  • Take your business online with a PPH today. They will build your online sportsbook website free of charge and you get a real.com address for you and your client’s exclusive use. They take care of every little detail and they offer the best user interface on the market. They build a sportsbook that’s easy to read with smooth lines and they set all of the day’s events for you. They set the daily lines and odds and you will have access to on-demand financial reports.
  • The PricePerHead accepts all wagers either over the phone or on the website itself. Your clients can still contact you and you can place a bet for them but once they get used to the idea of having a website to use, that’s being operated by you, their trusted bookie, they will love the idea and your life will change.
  • You must make the most of player and financial reports. As a bookie, you must know who is beating you and who is losing. You want both players. You can’t have [players beating the pants off of you (steam players) every day and you certainly don’t want players that do nothing but lose. Losers find a new bookie quickly. They are superstitious players and if they think they are jinxed on your site; they will run.

Find a PricePerHead That Offers a Balance.

It should be one that’s been in business long enough to understand what both bookies and players are looking for and one that isn’t a fly-by-night operation. Many of the PPH operations today are offering rock-bottom prices and that’s to lure you in the door. Don’t be fooled. Check out the reviews of the best PPH companies today and ask for a free trial.

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