Understand The Gray Area Of Your Bookie Business – Handicappers Hideaway

Understand the Gray Area of your Bookie Business

Realbookies Pph Bookie Software

Gray Areas Can Make or Break Your Bookie Business

The online sportsbook, or bookie business, is one that comes with many absolutes. There are many rules to live by and some of them are written in stone. Others, yea, not so much. There are many gray areas in the bookie business that you should be aware of.

You must have a firm grasp on where you want your business to go. You may not have a firm grasp on where it is going, however, set goals and know where you want to go. The bookmaking business is volatile. You have chosen a rewarding career path, and it’s fun, but it can also be hectic, it can involve financial insecurity and it can involve a money windfall.

What you should be hoping for is to land somewhere in the middle. This is one career, and one example of when it’s ok to be “middle of the pack”. Know this –a middle of the pack bookie can easily earn a six-figure income. You must position yourself to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right tools.

Razor Thin Margins as a Bookie Business Owner

**Many people will not tell you the “real story” about the bookie business. We will. We want you to know the truth about this business because we want you to prepare yourself for success or for the lean times. There are more than a couple of great ways to be prepared.

  • An online presence: You must be online. Yes, we hear the same old story from so many other bookies, it goes like this… “Why do I need to be online with 10-clients?” Listen, and please listen well. You cannot afford for your clients to cheat on you. Do you think they are loyal to the cause? Think again. Your mother will go elsewhere and gamble if you are not available!
  • You must be online so that your clients can gamble on their time, not on yours. They want to gamble 24/7 and the last thing you want is for them to call you at all hours of the night. With an online sportsbook, casino, and racebook, you can be operational on a 24/7 basis. Your clients will still cheat on you, but it will be much less.
  • Gamblers usually have at least 3-online bookies. They will have one for sharp lines and odds, they might have one for a great bonus, and they will have one for cash only. Gamblers love verity, they love choices and they will seldom have just one online bookmaker.
  • What you must do is dive them the choices they are searching for. You must give them the verity. Give them options.
Realbookie Pph Bookmaking Software For Millennials

What Do Gamblers Want a Bookie Business to Offer?

  • They want the best lines and odds available and if they don’t see them on your site, they will shop around. They also want a website that’s easy to navigate, easy to read, and easy to place a bet on. They do not want complicated. They want betting options with a large wagering menu and an interface that make the website a fun and entertaining place to spend time.
  • They want a Las Vegas-style casino. One that comes loaded with the best and latest slot machines. They also want a racebook that offers more than 75-tracks from around the world and that pays track odds.
  • Your clients are ready to spend money. They will spend a lot of money in the casino and that’s exactly where you want them. The casino is a moneymaker, it’s a guaranteed money maker.

Offer Your Client’s Everything with a PayPerHead

  • The payperhead industry is hot and still hot, even with what’s happening in the world today. This has not stopped online gamblers it’s brought them out of the woodwork.
  • The PPH does everything for you. They set up your online sportsbook, casino, and racebook in about a day. They do not charge you for this service. You will have a .com address for the exclusive use of your client’s.

Get in now. The PayPerHead business is hot and it’s the only way to get online at a reasonable price (around $7 per head). Call RealBookies, as it is ranked best PPH provider and ask them for a free trial.

More PayPerHead tips:

  1. Real Bookies Delivers Real Results You Can Bank On
  2. Start Your Bookie Business on The Right Foot With Pay Per Head
  3. Visualizing Business Success With Pay Per Head Bookie Solutions
  4. Become a More Successful Bookie With Real Bookies
  5. Real Bookies’ 5-Star Pay Per Head Software Package
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