Virtual Casino Games, The New Reality – Handicappers Hideaway

Virtual Casino Games, the New Reality

Payperhead247 Virtual Casino Games

More Players Turning to Virtual Casino Games

Virtual casino games have become a way of life for bookies in this new way of life! COVID-19 came along last March and shut our lives down. What did bookies do? They responded with a vengeance and latched onto what works, the pay per head.

What the PPH has done for local bookies has been nothing short of revolutionary, it has sustained a way of life and has outperformed the old way of life by leaps and bounds. If you are a local bookie and you have not yet found an online presence with a PPH provider, what are you waiting for?

Now is the time to get in with a custom-built website that comes for free. The pay per head pricing is affordable and you can be earning a six-figure income during COVID-19, or anytime.

Virtual Casino Games At Payperhead247

Why should a bookie have a casino on his website?

  • Number one, first and foremost, if you are a bookie on any level, you must have an online presence with a pay per head. You cannot survive the current landscape without an online sportsbook, racebook, and casino. You have probably been a local bookie for years and you know your clients, you love your clients, and hopefully, you have kept a relationship during COVID-19.
  • You may be asking” what relationship”? You may be thinking, “ I have kept a relationship before, during, and after COVID-19”. Are you sure? Ask yourself this, how much revenue have you seen walk in the door since March 20th? How much volume have you done, from your client list, as a local bookie? Is it even half of what you were doing before March, is it a quarter, is it an eighth? We have a sneaking suspicion that it’s not very much and that you have taken it in the shorts? Every local bookie has, you are not alone. Local bookies have nothing to offer their clients.
  • What have you been able to offer your client’s during COVID-19? Practically nothing and we all know it. Had you signed up for a PPH in March, and taken your service online, you would have been able to offer your clients a casino with virtual casino games, as well as a world-class racebook. You can still do it. It’s not too late. You can get in now for no upfront cost and just $7-$13 per head, per week, in PPH fees.
  • The new reality is the virtual casino games. The casino has worked in the past and it works today, this is nothing new, The reason that it’s working so well today is for the simple fact that gamblers are gamblers and they are bored. They want something to gamble on. If you offer it, they will come. If you don’t offer it then guess what? They are off to the competition where they can find it.
  • Think of the casino in these terms. Las Vegas was built on casinos, not sportsbooks. The sportsbooks are a lot of fun and they can earn you an amazing amount of money, however, they are also very marginal, and they can cost you a lot of money. The casino will never cost you money. The casino is a guaranteed winner and you will always come out smelling like a rose. Sure, there will be times when someone hits a $400 jackpot, there will be days when you may lose more than you win, but those days are few and far between. If it were not so, Las Vegas would cease to exist. The city of Las Vegas survives on casino profits.

Now you can survive on casino profits as well. You must find the best PPH provider on the internet and sign up today. Signing up will cost you nothing, there is no upfront obligation and the PPH will custom-build your gaming website for free.

You will have a state of the art sportsbook that offers every sport under the sun, you will have a world-class racebook that offers more than 75-tracks from across North America and around the world, and you will have a virtual casino that offers all of the casino games that gamblers love to play. Now is the time to try a virtual casino and start earning what you are worth as a bookie. Make the call today and turn 2020 around.

More information at: virtual casino games

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