Enters Agreement to Partner with
San Jose, Costa Rica – Software Development and pay per head service provider, PricePerPlayer, just entered a partnership deal with is a sports betting development company based out of the Philippines with branches in Costa Rica and Panama. The partnership was created so that PricePerPlayer would be able to offer a wider array of gambling software platforms. These platforms would have increased security measures. would now be able to offer Sportsbook Pay Per head services to its clients. Some of the main details of this partnership include acquiring 35% ownership of It would have full access to its current gambling platforms. The partnership allows for joint project development. in exchange will receive full access and development rights to the PricePerPlayer pay per head software technology.“In the past 12 months, “said Henry Sulat, the head programmer for, “we began receiving an overwhelming amount of request from bookies who wanted to use our software in the form of a pay per head service. Even though we wanted to assist all of these companies, we just did not have the resources or the technology to offer that type of services.”
PricePerPlayer and Bwager know This is a Win-Win
The decision for PricePerPlayer to pick as a junior partner was an easy choice. They have an excellent reputation around the world for quality and dependability. was also looking for a partner to expand into the Bookie Pay Per Head market. This made the marriage of these two companies perfect. February of 2018 is the target date for the integration to be completed. This will include the integration of sports betting platforms, policies and employee exchange. Lindsay White, the Vice President of, and Josh Ingram of PricePerPlayer, will be handling the integraion.“We are happy to have found such a great partner with PricePerPlayer, “said Mr. Belarmino of, “PricePerPlayer has an excellent reputation in the gambling industry and I am certain that our partnership will bring about a long bout of prosperity for all of us. In addition, they offer an affordable pay per head service which really helps people who want to have a sports betting operation and need to estimate how much money to be a bookie in terms of estimating real cost”