Is Live Casino For You? – Handicappers Hideaway

Is Live Casino for You?

Payperhead247 Bookie Services

A Live Casino Can be Profitable for Bookmakers

What do people think of a Live Casino? Bookies are looking for every and any advantage they can find and in these times; they are desperate. We have some good news, there is no reason for desperation and there is a lot of money to be made right now during COVID-19.

If you want to earn a great income as a bookie then now is a perfect time. Many folks have the wrong idea about what has happened. Many think the shutdown has been the end of the road for bookies, but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Online bookmakers are thriving, and they are doing it because gamblers love to gamble, and they won’t stop for anybody. They want in, they want betting action, and if you offer it, they will indeed come. The virtual and live casinos have been the “cash cow” and continue to be. Find out how you can be operational with an online casino for free.

Payperhead247 Live Casino

· The pay per head business opened its doors around 25-years ago. They are the first and foremost name in the gaming industry when it comes to offering local bookies a way in which to find an online presence for a reasonable price. There are many folks out there that want to sell you a website that cost an arm and a leg… why do it? The PPH charges around $7 per head, per week for each betting client. They can bet as much as they like for the one time, low price to you. If your client does not play in any given week, then you do not pay for them.

· PayPerhead247 offers a sportsbook, casino, and racebook. In these times the sportsbook may not be doing well but we know sports is on the way back and we will all be back to normal in short order. The racebook is killing it! Bookies that have a solid racebook are seeing revenue pick up and bettors are faithful to horse racing.

They always have been. This is not a new phenomenon. If you want to make a steady stream of extra income, have a racebook and have a good one that features more than 75-tracks from around the world and one that pays track odds in “real-time’. Find a PPH that offers a great racebook and make sure they have all the best tracks. Horse bettors can end up being the best clients.

· The Live Casino and Virtual Casino:— Look, folks, there is very little convincing that we must do here… What else is there to bet on right now? Really. International soccer certainly has its appeal, however, it’s not enough, you need more.

Find a PPH that is offering a top-notch, white-label, online casino. Find one that offers several hundred games, all of the hottest table games that come with a Las Vegas feel… Live dealers. YES, you can have live dealers in your casino. This will give the players a feeling of being in the middle of the action. You want them there, they want to be there, offer this and they will come.

· Check Techtimes best PPH providers list and you will see they are now offering this service for around $7-$13 per head, per week, with unlimited betting. Your clients can place as many bets as they choose or at least as many as you allow… remember, this is your casino, you are the boss. Player management is a big deal. Now you have all the tools to manage this sportsbook like it should be managed. Watching every penny is a must.

· No matter what you choose to do or what direction you choose to go in concerning your sportsbook, take it from us, we have been in this business as gamblers, bookies and now consultants – take it from us, the casino is where you will see big profits and consistent profits.

Find the best PPH service provider and ask them for a custom-built website for FREE. They will build your gaming site and have your players playing in a day or two for around $7-$13 per head. You have nothing to lose in a casino and big profits to gain daily. Call the PPH and get started for nothing down and no upfront cost.

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