Odds And Prop Bets On Hillary And Trump's 3rd Bratfest In Las Vegas – Handicappers Hideaway

Odds and Prop Bets on Hillary and Trump’s 3rd Bratfest in Las Vegas

Election 2016    

Hillary and Trump at 3rd US Presidential Debate

Hillary and Trump square off tonight in Las Vegas in their 3rd and final debate (thank god). They will be touching on a lot of touchy subjects from Wikileaks to rigged elections. Both of these candidates are narcissitic jerks so you never know what you will get in this debacle. In many ways it could be more entertaining than a WWE Battle Royal.   How many times will “WikiLeaks” be said? Over 3.5               5/6 Under 3.5            5/6 All wagers have action   How many times will Donald Trump say “Tremendous”? Over 8.5               10/11 Under 8.5            10/13 All wagers have action. “Tremendously” will not count towards total count.   How many times will Trump say “Make America Great Again”? Over 2                   11/10 Under 2                2/3 All wagers have action   How many times will Trump say “rig” or “rigged”? Over 4.5               11/10 Under 4.5            2/3 All wagers have action   What color will Donald Trump’s tie be? Red                        1/2 Blue                       3/1 Yellow/Gold       4/1 Black                      20/1 Other Color        6/1 All wagers have action. If multiple colors, predominant color will be used for grading purposes. Bookmanager’s decision is final.   What color will Hillary Clinton’s jacket be? Blue                       2/3 Red                        30/1 Black                      5/1 White                    5/1 Yellow/Gold       7/1 Other Color        4/1 All wagers have action. If multiple colors, predominant color will be used for grading purposes. Bookmanager’s decision is final.   Who will be first to interrupt the other? Donald Trump   1/3 Hillary Clinton    2/1 All wagers have action

Now even More Prop Bets

Who will win the Presidential Debate Drinking Game? Donald Trump   10/13 Hillary Clinton    10/11 All wagers have action. Applies to the second presidential debate only. www.DebateDrinking.com will be used for grading purposes.   Will ‘George Soros’ or ‘Soros’ be mentioned? Yes         6/1 No          1/12 All wagers have action. Moderator mentions included in the total count.   Will Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton shake hands before the debate begins? Yes         5/6 No          5/6 All wagers have action. Handshake must occur prior to the first moderator question being asked for “Yes” to be graded a win.   Will the third presidential debate garner more viewers than the second? Yes (Over 63.6 Million)                   3/2 No (Under 63.6 Million)                 1/2 All wagers have action. Network Television only. Nielsen.com used for grading purposes.   Get your Trump and Hillary political odds at Bovada today. 0 Handicappers Hideaway
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