Trump’s First 100 Days Has Been Mixed Bag
April 29th Donald Trump will mark his 100
th day in office as President of the United States. Trump has been downplaying the importance of this milestone. The talking heads in the media typically use this date to evaluate how the presidency has fared thus far. Will he be more reserved than usual on Twitter? Will he unleash an epic tweetstorm? At press time, the over/under for April 29 tweets sent from @RealDonaldTrump is pegged at 6.5 tweets. The OVER is the solid favorite at –150.
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You can also bet on what Trump’s approval rating will be on April 29 – specifically, how his numbers will look on the Gallup Daily Job Approval Poll at 2 PM ET. The total is a historically low 38.5% for Day 100, although the OVER is once again favored at –200. Gallup had Trump at 40% approval Tuesday afternoon.
Odds are still available on how long Trump will last in office, but instead of betting on whether he’ll complete his first term, you now have a choice of four possible exit dates: 2017 (+350), 2018 (+400), 2019 (+450), or anytime thereafter (–120). Backlash against his incumbency has also bumped the Democratic Party up to –155 for the 2020 US presidential election.
Get your political odds at Bovada today.

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