Will Russell Wilson's Passing Yards Beat Bitcoin's Value? Get A Free $25 Bet If You Deposit With Bitcoin – Handicappers Hideaway

Will Russell Wilson’s Passing Yards Beat Bitcoin’s Value? Get a Free $25 Bet if You Deposit With Bitcoin

The innovative online sportsbook invites players to predict which value will be higher on Super Bowl Sunday

  Will Russell Wilson'S Passing Yards Beat Bitcoin'S Value? San Jose, Costa Rica – January 29, 2015 Forget about betting on how many times the Super Bowl commentators will mention Deflategate. SportsBettingOnline.ag has just announced a new prop bet that’s much easier to predict. The online sportsbook today released lines on a prop bet that asks which value will be higher at the end of the Super Bowl—Russell Wilson’s passing yards or the value of one bitcoin. “We think differently about prop bets at SportsBettingOnline.ag and our members have loved them all NFL betting season long,” stated Dave Johnson, head oddsmaker at SportsBettingOnline.ag. “Today we’re introducing a very cool one that pits bitcoin’s volatility against Russell Wilson’s success as a QB.” The line for Russell Wilson’s passing yards being higher than the price of one bitcoin is -110. The same goes for the line on price of one bitcoin being higher than Wilson’s passing yards. As of publication time, the value of one bitcoin is $224.92 US dollar, but that could very well change. In late 2013, bitcoin jumped from around $200 to hit a high of around $1,200 before going on a surreal rollercoaster ride back down to where it sits today. Russell Wilson’s passing yards haven’t been as volatile, but the 2014 NFL betting season has seen him move between 126 passing yards to a high of 339 passing yards per game. In the final playoff game against Green Bay, Wilson racked up 209 passing yards, which is close to the value of bitcoin. While the bitcoin/passing yards prop bet seems like a strange one, it make sense for fans of SportsBettingOnline.ag. They were one of the first online sportsbooks to accept bitcoin. Players can fund their sportsbook account using bitcoin, and other payments are also accepted, including credit card and person-2-person transfers. Johnson notes that anyone who deposits by bitcoin for the Superbowl will receive a free $25 bet to use on this prop. If the player wins the prop, they’ll keep the money. If the prop loses, it will be credited back. The offer applies to new bitcoin deposits only. The online sportsbook is famous for its innovations. For example, instead of running unrealistic promotions with ridiculous rollover requirements, SportsBettingOnline.ag features two bonus offers, including a 10% cash back offer, win or lose, with no rollovers. More information on how the online sportsbook refunds players 10% per week plus all other promos can be found at SportsBettingOnline.ag.   Image Handicappers Hideaway
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