SportsTradex And HH Team Up For New Promo – Handicappers Hideaway

SportsTradex and HH team up for new promo

Fantasy Sports At Sports Tradex             To help promote SportsTradex new rewards program Handicappers Hideaway is going to give away $$$CASH$$$ for MNF Squares if you sign-up for SportsTradex this weekend through our banner.  1-4 people sign up $50 cash 5-9 people sign up $100 cash Over 10 $200 cash Each Deposit over $25 gets 3 squares Each Deposit over $50 gets 8 squares If there is no winner your squares will carry over to next MNF! Help us promote SportsTradex and make some money as well!!!! Must sign-up through the banner and PM me. If you have already deposited let me know and you will be credited. Must have a min 5 people deposit to get it going. Little about the new reward system: Fantasy Sports At Sports Tradex           We are thrilled to announce our new rewards program to the SportsTradex user base. Here are some of the big elements: POINTS SportsTradex will now reward players with points every time they enter a guaranteed contest and additional points every time any contest (gtd or non gtd including H2H) fills. The program begins with Thursdays contests and exists for all sports/games from that point forward. As an example, each entry in the Thursday Pooch Kick GPP ($25 entry/33 max entry/$750 prizes) earns 20 points upon entry and an additional 60 points if the contest fills all 33 spots. Points can be converted to cash or bonus money in your SportsTradex account according to the following schedule: 3500 Points ——> $10 Cash 7750 Points ——> $25 Cash 30000 Points —-> $100 Cash 2500 Points ——> $10 Bonus 5500 Points ——> $25 Bonus 20000 Points —-> $100 Bonus (More info can be found on the redeem points page of the website. Click points next to your account name to navigate to the page) For users out there focused on rake, this is a permanent sustainable way to reduce your fees and improve your winnings. SportTradex rake is already among the lowest in the industry at 8-10% on essentially all contests. With the new ability to earn points and exchange them for cash or bonus money, users can reduce their effective rake by as much as 50% depending on how they play and how they choose to exchange points (the exchange rate is lower to convert to bonus money). BONUS As part of the new system, we’ve changed our bonuses to meet or exceed the industry standards. Bonus money drips into your account at a rate of 4% of your entry fees and the bonus releases for each contest after the contest settles/pays out. We are offering a huge one time bonus for everyone as part of our rewards rollout! 100% BONUS: code “STX” for 100% deposit bonus up to $500 bonus Fantasy Sports At Sports Tradex    
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