QB Deondre Francois Out Of Florida State – Handicappers Hideaway

QB Deondre Francois Out of Florida State

Qb Deondre Francois

It looks like fans will not see QB Deondre Francois wearing a Florida State anymore. According to school officials, head coach Willie Taggart dismissed the starting quarterback from the football program. In addition, the coach already informed Francois about the decision.

Coach Taggert said the team wants to develop a new culture and foundation for the program. In addition, the coaching staff has high expectations from the Florida State student-athletes. Also, they will not exempt anyone from the high standards of conduct.

QB Deondre Francois Scandal

The news of Francois’ dismissal came after his girlfriend posted a video in her Instagram account. The best pay per head software provider saw a video featuring voices of a man and woman fighting. In addition, the man threatened to hit the woman in the face.

The girl deleted the video, but its caption said that their domestic situation has been ongoing for two years. The caption said that she lost her first child due to his beating, and suffered from postpartum depression. In addition, she said she stayed with Francois because she was blinded by love.

It is not the first time QB Deondre Francois had troubles away from the field, according to bookie pay per head experts. In January 2018, police responded to an incident involving the quarterback and a woman pregnant with his child. According to the woman, Francois broke her bedroom door, threw her to the ground, and tried to drag her out of the apartment. However, she didn’t press charges against the football player.

Francois stated his girlfriend started the argument and broke things in the apartment. He only picked her up to stop her from doing further damage to the property. Due to the lack of witnesses and conflicting statements, authorities didn’t arrest anyone. Also, they closed the case.

Francois made sports news headlines again in April 2018. Police suspected him of selling marijuana and got a search warrant for the apartment. However, he wasn’t charged and was only given a citation.

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