
NFL Sportsbook Update – Josh Shaw Drops Appeal

Arizona Cardinals Josh Shaw drops the appeal of his suspension. The NFL suspended Shaw for betting on games. Also, his suspension will last to the end of the current season. That was the first time in more than three decades that the league suspended a player for sports betting.

Shaw has still to play for Arizona this year in the regular season. He is on the reserve list of the team after he suffered an injury during the offseason. He signed a one-year contract during the offseason before his injury.

The suspension came in a time when sports betting is legal in most states. Also, the NFL signed deals with sportsbook companies. League commissioner told sports news sites that the suspension is a move to preserve the integrity of the sport.

Josh Shaw Drops Appeal

Nfl Sportsbook Update – Josh Shaw Drops Appeal

According to a pay per head provider, the NFL found no evidence that Shaw used inside info to bet on games. Also, he didn’t compromise any games. His teammates and coaches were not aware that Shaw was wagering on sports.

The NFL didn’t say where the player placed his wagers. At present, sports betting is legal in 13 states. More states are in the process of legalizing it through legislation. The NFL has an anti-gambling stance. However, it softened its stance in recent months and even signed deals with sportsbook operators.

Suspending players for betting is rare in the NFL. The most famous case was when the NFL suspended Detroit Lions’ Alex Karras and Green Bay Packers Paul Hornung in 1963. However, the league reinstated both players. Hornung even made it to the Hall of Fame.

In a time when many people want to know how to be a bookie, the NFL made an example by suspending Shaw for breaking its rules on gambling. It wants to keep the integrity of the league in check and show it is serious about keeping its games clean.

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