MLB Betting – How Far Will The Wheels Come Off The Red Sox Train? – Handicappers Hideaway

MLB Betting – How Far Will The Wheels Come Off The Red Sox Train?

Red Sox Baseball

Injuries are Piling Up for Red Sox

The Boston Red Sox were trying to put together the ultimate pitching staff supported by a power-hitting batting order. With injuries and all around poor play prevented the pitching staff from ever reaching its potential. Apowerful batting order can only do so much to win games when the pitching rotation is unable to keep the team in games. The online sportsbook experts could see it coming as far away as four years ago. Knowing it was a long shot The Red Sox’ pitching problems extended all the way to the bullpen. Closer Jonathan Papelbon was losing his magic. It was not long before he was allowed to jump ship and sign with the disappointing pitching rotation in Philadelphia. The sports betting online experts were wondering just how far the Red Sox would let this situation spiral downward before major changes were made. It became a dynamic situation that would prove to be the downfall of manager Terry Francona.

World Series Contenders No More

The end of the Red Sox’ run as a World Series contender is near. It got its first kick in the gut when long-time general manager Theo Epstein decided to head to Chicago. He had to try his luck with the Cubs. There was not a betting expert who saw that move coming. Boston was caught by surprise as well. As soon as Epstein announced he was making his change, the rumors about the firing of manager Terry Francona started to swirl. To make matters worse, Red Sox players started to tell stories of drinking beer and eating fast food in the clubhouse during games. Starting pitchers who were not scheduled to start chose to spend the game playing cards than supporting the team. Names like pitcher Josh Beckett started to get attached to the rumors and they would not go away. Epstein insisted that none of it was true. He also said Francona had a job in Boston as long as Epstein was the general manager.

Keeping Beantown Fans Happy is not Easy

The week after Theo Epstein packed his bags for Chicago, Terry Francona was fired as the team’s manager. Boston fans were a little sad to see a two-time World Series winning manager leave. Stories about how Francona had lost control of the team were running rampant. Red Sox Nation knew it was time for a change. Unfortunately for Red Sox fans, that change came in the form of new manager Bobby Valentine. A review of the Red Sox in 2012 showed that all of the disgruntled players were still on the roster. Now the unpredictable Bobby Valentine was in charge of the show. The Red Sox stumbled out of the gate and never picked up any momentum. By the All-Star break, the Red Sox were out of the playoff race and the team started to get dismantled.

Dismantling the Red Sox

Long-time fan favorite Kevin Youkilis was traded to the White Sox. Josh Beckett was traded to the Los Angeles Dodgers along with first baseman Adrian Gonzalez. The oft-injured Carl Crawford was tossed in as well. Boston dumped an unprecedented $200 million in salary at the trade deadline. This was an obvious sign that major changes were coming for the team. The fans can expect to see Bobby Valentine let go when the season is over. A complete overhaul of the Boston roster is to come in the off-season. Only time will tell if the Red Sox will be able to bcome contenders again. Click here to get a 50% Bonus on all deposits from!!!
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