
How Well do Breast Cancer Meme’s Work?

Breast Cancer Awareness

Does Social Media Meme’s Help Breast Cancer Awareness

Over the years awareness of breast cancer has been spreading more and more. It started a while back by just wearing pink ribbons and having walk-a-thons to raise money similar to what March of Dimes did. Not it seems to have spread like wildfire and the month of October is not breast cancer awareness month.

Now more men are being diagnosed with it as well. I am sure this is because of more awareness of the issues at hand, but it is because of any type of social media posts or meme’s going around? Susan G. Komen started these on Facebook over a decade ago and tried to keep it a secret in what was going on.

They ran campaigns and told women to post things that could be thought as sexual to keep men and others sharing it and making the posts go viral without knowing what is going on. The thought of “sex sells” is not entirely off-base as it works for many other industries. Many people thought that sexualizing something like cancer was worth it. Well people need to get over themselves. Anything that brings attention to a terrible disease like cancer can’t be that bad. Today’s cancel culture needs to get over itself.

They sexualized the meme’s by asking them to answer the question “where they like to put their purse”. Some said behind the couch, on the counter, and many other things that could be construed as sexual. Another breast cancer campaign likes to get ladies to post their shoe size so it could be construed as how big they like their lovers member.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Personally I don’t see a downside to sexualizing anything to make it more popular as long as is in good case, adult oriented and nothing more than innuendo. Cancer is awful and no one is intentionally making light of a killer disease that many people survive now that used to not.

Many people claim that these campaigns are silly and don’t work. The Susan G. Komen Foundation claims an increase in donations and interest in these posts. There is no definitive way to tell as these campaigns start at the beginning of October with the campaigns. Personally I don’t see the issue with keeping on doing these types of stunts as any awareness that can be raised is better than nothing at all.

Social media is becoming more and more ingrained in our society on a daily basis and will continue to do so. Companies have to be aware of what is going on and have fresh campaigns at the ready to stay ahead of the competition. With times the way they are right now, and money hard to come by for many, charities have to get what they can when they can.

Bashing companies for trying to use sexual innuendo to better themselves and raise awareness for a terrible disease is selfish and short-sighted. Get over yourselves and do what it takes to find a cure for these awful diseases.

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