HH Would Like To Welcome Sports Tradex As One Of Our Fantasy Sports Sponsors – Handicappers Hideaway

HH Would Like to Welcome Sports Tradex as One of our Fantasy Sports Sponsors

Fantasy Sports At Sportstradex        

SportsTradex is a New kind of Daily Fantasy Sports

SportsTradex is no longer accepting US players. They sold their US database to DraftDay Fantasy Sports. Please Check out our other quality Daily Fantasy Sports options at Handicappers Hideaway. Guys HH is very happy to welcome aboard Sports Tradex as one of our first sponsors in our venture into fantasy sports. These guys are an up and coming company with lots of future growth and they offer virtually all the games and options that the bigger guys do. They will be working with us closely to make us customized games for us on a year round basis. They also offer college football options and will be working with us on fantasy Bowl Game contests and contests for the NFL playoffs. I have spent time on the phone with these guys on and off over the last couple of days and I feel confident we both have a product that is going to benefit our website, our posters and help grow their brand.

Fee Free Trades at SportsTradex

Fee free to ask us if you want them to offer certain games and they will do their best to do so. I don’t want to try to list all the options they have for games, but they offer them for all the major sports and more. They have quick and easy payout and deposit options and the website is easy to navigate and understand. Over the next few weeks they will be sending me more promos catered to our site and the games our users play. So please check them out and send them a few bucks and try their games out and let us know what you do and don’t like about the site. Below is some info on the company (they will be sending a detailed about us with all the games and other options next week, but go check the site out anyway). Click the promos below or the banners to take you to the site and check out their vast array of games for all the major sports leagues. They offer some interesting tweaks to your normal fantasy sports games.

About SportsTradex

Sports Tradex’s mission is to provide entertaining, skill-based competitions that allow our users to make predictions about real-world events and fantasy sports. Our real-world contests are 100% free competitions that give users a method to win prizes without taking any financial risks. The data from these contests give great insights into the real-world probability of an event happening. They also serve as great training grounds for users that wish to enter our fantasy competitions. Our fantasy contests are a new method for competing in fantasy sports. Unlike our competitors, are competitions are 100% player-based. We believe our approach allows a contestant to showcase his or her skill best in comparison to other daily fantasy sports sites where a contestant must contend with the site’s athlete valuation algorithm. We are a member of the Fantasy Sports Trade Association and are proud to provide a new take on fantasy sports competitions. Sports Tradex LLC is a US-based company based in Houston, TX.
  • What contests are available at Sports Tradex? 

    Sports Tradex is a daily fantasy website that holds a variety of contests. In our pick’em contests, you select fantasy teams that you believe will win their matchups. Our pick’em games generally last just one day, and we award thousands of dollars in prizes daily in our pick’em contests. We have pick’em contests available that range in buy-ins from $0 up to $100+. Additionally, we occasionally run free-to-enter trading contests where you make predictions on the outcome of sporting events. Our trading contests are always free to enter (no buy-in) but still award prizes! We also are about to launch a draft-style fantasy game. Check back soon for details and to play in this new, exciting fantasy game.
  • Can I join Sports Tradex?

    To be eligible for Sports Tradex, you must be 18 years of age or older and a resident of the United States or Canada. However, residents from Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Quebec and Washington are prohibited from playing due to state law.

Competing in our Pick’em Contests

  • How do the Pick’em Contests work?In a Pick’em Contest, a list of fantasy team matchups are displayed to the user. The user must make a selection of which fantasy teams will win their matchup.
  • How many matchups does the user select?The amount of picks a user must make depends on the contest. Generally, you pick 8 teams out of 10 matchups available.
  • What are the key differences between Pick’em Contests and Survivor Contests?Pick’em contests last just one day. Generally, users make at least 8 picks. Whoever gets the most correct wins the prize pool (if multiple people tie for first, they split the prize pool). Pick’em contests are the more common version of the contest. Survivor Contests generally last more than one day and mimic NFL Survivor Contests. Contestants generally just make a few picks each day. If you make an incorrect pick, you are eliminated and do not advanced to the next day. Whoever lasts the longest wins.
  • What happens if two teams tie in a fantasy matchup?

    The team that has the individual player that scored the most points wins. For example, suppose Team A and Team B scored 100 fantasy points. Team A had a player that scored 50 points (with the other players scoring 50 points cumulativately) whereas Team B had a player that scored 35 points (with the other players scoring 65 points cumulatively). Team A would win the matchup. If both teams highest scoring player scored the same amount of points, then the tie breaker goes to the second highest player and so forth. If both teams are identical in what their individual players scored (for example, each team had a player score 10 points and the rest of the players all scored 0), then both teams are considered losers.
  • What happens if a player has multiple entries that tie for first place with another user?Each entry a person has entitled to its share of the prize pool. Let’s say a winner-take-all contest has two winners, John and Jane. John actually had two entries that won, whereas Jane only had one. In this case, since John has two entries and Jane has one, John would win ⅔ of the prize pool, and Jane would have the remaining ⅓.
  • What happens if a two people tie for first place in a qualifier contest?If two or more people tie for first in a qualifier contest, they will split the cash value of the prize.

Competing in our Trading Contests

  • How do the contests work?When joining a contest, all players are given a fixed amount of fake money (SportsTradex dollars) with which to trade in the contest. The goal of the contest is to increase your balance of fake money as much as possible by making good predictions.
  • How do I make predictions in the contests?You make a prediction by buying or selling a certain team or player. If you think the event will occur (for example, you think a team will win), you will make a buy order. If you think the event won’t occur, you will make a sell order.
  • What do the prices mean?The prices for each team are displayed as 0-100. Once a team ultimately wins, their price will be set at 100. When the team loses, it will go to 0. When the team hasn’t played yet or is currently playing, the price they are currently trading at reflects what the market believes their percentage chance of winning is. For example, a team trading at 65 is viewed as having a 65% chance of winning.
  • How do I increase my balance?You can increase your fake money balance in two ways. First, you can make a prediction and hold those shares until the contest finishes. For example, if you buy a team’s shares at 40 and they win their game, those shares will go to 100. You will make a profit of 60 a share times the amount of shares you own. If you bought 20 shares at 40 and the team won, your balance would increase by 1200 (60X20). Likewise, if you sold a team and they lose, your balance will increase. If you sold a team at 40 for 20 shares and they lose, you would profit 800 (40 X 20). You can also increase your balance by buying and selling a team within the contest. For example, if you buy a team at 40 and they are doing well in a game, you may be able to sell them at 70. Your profit is 30 per share. Even if the team goes on to lose the game, you still made a profit since you sold all of the shares you bought.
  • How do I win the contests/what do I win?You win the contests by having a larger final fake money balance than your competitors. The top finishers win prizes. The amount paid for each place is provided in the contest description.
  • What do I lose if I do not win a contest?Since these contests are always free to enter, you do not lose anything.. All of our real-world prediction games are free to enter, so there is absolutely no cost or potential loss to you by entering those contests.

Account Questions

  • How can I create an account at Sports Tradex?You can create an account by signing up on our sign up page.
  • Can I have more than one account at Sports Tradex?You can only have one active, real-money account at Sports Tradex.
Game Rules


All users entering contests must be eligible under our Terms of Use. You must be at least 18 years of age and a resident of the United States or Canada. Residents of Arizona, Iowa, Louisiana, Montana, Quebec, and Washington are NOT eligible to play real-money contests at Sports Tradex.


Contestants may only operate a maximum of one real money account with Sports Tradex. The real money account will be used to deposit funds for entry fee contests or to receive/withdraw prize money. If a contestant wishes to close or change his real money account, he or she may email Sports Tradex with the request.


  1. During each game, Sports Tradex will provide live scores. These scores are for informational and entertainment purposes only. Our stats provider, Sports Direct, may occasionally revise the final box scores and statistics.
  2. If a game is suspended, postponed, or shortened, only statistics from the game’s original date will be used unless noted in the contest description. Make-up games may be counted at Sports Tradex discretion if the game occurs during the duration of the contest.
  3. Statistics and scores from the final box score provided to us by our statistics supplier, Sports Direct, will be used to determine winners. Sports Tradex will finalize contests and distribute winnings as soon as reasonably possible after the conclusion of a contest.


Prizes are predetermined and visible for each contest, including those that require an entry fee and those that do not require an entry free. Contests with a ‘guaranteed’ prize pool will launch regardless of the number of contestants that enter. Contests that are not ‘guaranteed’ will not begin unless the stated minimum number of contestants enter. If a contest is not guaranteed, the minimum number of contestants needed to enter will be displayed along with the prize pool. Non-guaranteed contests that do not fill will be cancelled, and entry fees will be returned to users that entered the contest.


These rules only applies to pre-bundled teams in both the Trading and Survivor/Pick’em contests. In the event two fantasy teams tie, the pre-bundled team with the highest scoring individual athlete, based on fantasy points, will win. Each team’s best performing player has the same fantasy total, then the tie will be broken by the second highest player and so forth.This rule is unable to break a tie between two fantasy teams (e.g. all players on two opposing fantasy teams have the same amount of fantasy points), then both teams are considered losers for trading and pick’em/survivor contests. Two contestants/users tie in a SportsTradex contest, then they split the prize for their occupied positions in the standings. For example, if a contest pays three spots and two contestants tie for first, then they will split the first and second place prize. In a contest that is winner-take-all and two contestants tie for first, they would split the first place prize. This rule applies to all ties among SportsTradex users regardless of the number of users involved in the tie.


  1. Users draft a team of 7 or more players in our tiered fantasy draft game. The number of players the users drafts from each tier varies depending on the strategy options for fantasy team size (7 players or more) available in the contest. Full player distribution for each strategy is listed in the individual contests.
  2. The winner of a Draft contest is defined by the user(s) that drafted a fantasy team that scored the highest amount of fantasy points in the contest.
  3. Users must draft a team that includes players from at least 3 real-world teams and no more than 4 athletes from any one individual team.
  4. If two users tie in a SportsTradex draft contest, then they split the prize for their occupied positions in the standings.


  1. All contestants are given a fixed amount of Sports Tradex dollars (virtual currency) upon signing up for a contest. Upon entering a contest, all trades within that contest are made with this virtual currency. No actual real money is traded in the contest. The goal of the contest is to accumulate as much virtual money as possible. Contestants will be ranked based on their Sports Tradex virtual account balance at the end of the contest. Prizes will be awarded based on a stated payout chart for each contest.
  2. Only contests where players trade fantasy teams made up of three or more players not from the same real-world sports team may require an entry fee. Contests where players trade actual teams will never require an entry fee.
  3. Contestants will buy and sell contenders (teams, players or fantasy teams) using virtual currency in the game. The contender or team (treated like a stock) that wins the event will have a final value Sports Tradex dollar value per share Sports Tradex determined by the contest description (generally $100). All eliminated teams or players will have a value of $0 per share. The rules for the scoring of the contest will be posted in the description for each contest.
  4. A buyer of a share will have the purchase value removed from his available balance. When a contestant sells a team, he will have the amount sold added to his available balance. However, he will also have virtual money removed from his available balance and placed in “held for shares sold” to cover the loss he will have to take if the contender sold wins the event to which the contract relates. When there is only one victor and multiple contenders, the amount removed from his available balance and placed in reserve is only based on the share count of the team with the most shares sold.
  5. Trading will be allowed starting at the set ‘start’ time. Trading will end when the final sporting event related to the contest has completed. Sports Tradex will determine the end time at its discretion and will freeze all trades and set the value of winners to 100.
  6. In the event of a tie among contestants in a Sports Tradex contest, the tied contestants will split the prizes for the relevant places in the standings. For example, a tie for second among two contestants will split the prizes for 2nd and 3rd place.
  7. Players may not buy or sell Sports Tradex dollars outside of purchasing directly into a contest. No rebuys of Sports Tradex dollars are permitted within a contest and no sale or exchange of Sports Tradex dollars via third parties is permitted.
  8. Contestants may not collude with other contestants in any way. Contestants found to be colluding with others will be banned from the site, their trades unwound and they will not be eligible for prizes. Cash balances, excluding prizes for contests in which the user was disqualified, will be paid to the user.


  1. All contestants must make the required number of picks before the pick lock deadline. In the event that the contestant does not make the required number of picks before the deadline, those picks are defined as incorrect. Contests with one round are Pick’Em contests. Survivor contests have multiple rounds. In contests that have multiple rounds, those that made the required number of correct picks advance to the next round.
  2. The winner of a Pick’Em or Survivor Contest is defined by the user(s) that made the required number of correct picks in all pre-defined rounds. If no one makes the required number of correct picks in all pre-defined rounds, then the winner(s) are the contestant(s) that made the highest total of correct picks in the contest. The winner of a Pick’em Contest is defined as the user that made the highest total number of correct picks. Examples:
    1. Survivor contest with 8 rounds and 1 pick per round. Only one user makes a correct pick in each round. That user is the winner.
    2. Survivor contest with 8 rounds and 1 pick per round. Four users make correct picks in Rounds 1-7 but all make an incorrect pick in round 8. Those four users split the prize pool.
    3. Survivor contest with 8 rounds and 2 picks per round. Four users make 2 correct picks in Rounds 1-7. One user makes 1 correct pick in Round 8 and the other three users make 0 correct picks in round 8. The user that made 1 correct pick wins the contest.
    4. Pick’em contest with 1 round and 5 picks. No users make 5 correct picks. Two users make 4 correct picks with the other users making less than 4 correct picks. The two users that made 4 correct picks tie for 1st and split the assigned prizes for first and second place.
  3. Standings are generated based on the total number of correct picks for each user in a contest. If the winner of the contest had 5 correct picks and the person with the next most correct picks had 4, the person with 5 correct picks would win the first place prize and the person with 4 correct picks would win the second place prize. Total prizes and prize distributions are available in the contest lobby and are known to contestants prior to the commencement of the contest.
  4. Multiple entries: Contestants may buy multiple entries at the beginning of the contest, up to the maximum amount as defined by the specific contest’s rules. Each entry is treated as unique and must make the required number of correct picks to advance to the next round (in a Survivor contest). In the event that a contestant has two or more multiple entries that tie for a prize, each of those entries will split the prize pool. For example, if four entries survive to the end in a Winner(s) Take All format and one person had two of those entries, that person would receive half of the prize pool.
  5. Only contests where players choose among fantasy teams comprised of two or more players not from the same real-world sports team may require an entry fee. Contests where players pick from actual real-world teams will never require an entry fee.


  1. If a game is postponed or cancelled for any reason and is therefore not played on the day of the contest, then all athletes from the affected game(s) will receive 0 fantasy points on the date of SportsTradex contest.
  2. Sports Tradex reserves the right, at its discretion, to replace players on pre-bundled teams if some of the players on a team are unable to play. Sports Tradex must make any changes to the rosters at least three hours prior to a contest’s pick deadline. SportsTradex must also notify, via email, all participants of any roster changes.


Below is a chart for the number of fantasy points awarded in each type of sport. Basketball:
  • Points: 1
  • Rebounds: 1
  • Assists: 1.5
  • Blocks: 2
  • Steals: 2
  • Turnovers: -0.5
Basketball (Duds):
  • Missed Field Goal: 1
  • Missed Free Throw: 2
  • Personal Foul: 2.5
  • Turnover: 3
  • Pass TD: 4
  • Pass Yd: .04
  • Rush TD: 6
  • Rush Yd: .1
  • Receptions: 1
  • Reception TD: 6
  • Reception Yd: .1
  • FUM: -2
  • INT: -2
  • Hitting:
  • Hits: 3 (double +2, triple +4, HR +6)
  • RBI: 3
  • R: 3
  • HBP: 3
  • BB: 3
  • SB: 3Pitching:
  • IP: 2.25 (.75 point per out)
  • SO: 2
  • ER: -3
  • W: 5
  • CG: 3 *Note: Hitting statistics of pitchers DO count as well as pitching statistics of hitters.
  • Finishing Position: 1st=50, 2nd=47, 3rd=45, 4th=43, 5th=41, 6th=39 then decrement by 1…43rd=1. Did Not Start = 0
  • Place Differential: Finish Position-Start Position Actual # (+/-)
  • Laps Led: Actual # (max=50)
  • Average Running Position: 1st=50, 2nd=47, 3rd=45, 4th=43, 5th=41, 6th=39 then decrement by 1…43rd=1. Did Not Start = 0
Fantasy Sports At Sportstradex  
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