HH Would Like To Welcome FantasyFeud As One Of Our Fantasy Sports Sponsors – Handicappers Hideaway

HH Would Like to Welcome FantasyFeud as One of our Fantasy Sports Sponsors

Fantasydraft Dfs Buys Fantasy Aces In Daily Fantasy Sports

FantasyFeud is Now FantasyDraft

Please see below to see our explanation of FantasyFeud and then visit or Fantasy Sports Section of Handicappers Hideaway.

Guys HH is very happy to welcome aboard FantasyFeud as one of our first sponsors in our venture into fantasy sports. These guys are an up and coming company with lots of future growth. They offer virtually all the games and options that the bigger guys do.

They will be working with us closely to make us customized games for us on a year round basis. They also offer college football options and will be working with us on fantasy Bowl Game contests and contests for the NFL playoffs.

I have spent time on the phone with these guys on and off over the last couple of days. I feel confident we both have a product that is going to benefit our website, our posters and help grow their brand.

Major Changes in Fantasy Sports

Fee free to ask us if you want them to offer certain games and they will do their best to do so. I don’t want to try to list all the options they have for games, but they offer them for all the major sports and more.

They have quick and easy payout and deposit options and the website is easy to navigate and understand. Over the next few weeks they will be sending me more promos catered to our site and the games our users play.

So please check them out and send them a few bucks and try their games out and let us know what you do and don’t like about the site.

Below is some info on the company (they will be sending a detailed about us with all the games and other options next week. Go check the site out anyway). Click the promos below or the banners to take you to the site.

About Us

Fantasy Feud Inc. is a social gaming platform that has been built to change the landscape of one of the fastest growing sports entertainment industries in North America. Everybody knows that the draft is the most exciting day of the season. It is the one that will make or break your fantasy team.

If your favorite part of a pool is DRAFTING PLAYERS and WINNING then Fantasy Feud was built with you in mind.

The season long commitment of having to grind through injury reports and waiver wires are over. The Fantasy Feud platform provides instant gratification by making each day a new draft with a chance to win.

We let you choose everything; sport, draft type, duration, size and entry fee so that you can format the games the way that YOU want to play them.

We offer drafts for NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB across many draft variations. Dominate one style or train to be well versed in all formats. Users have the ability to see how they stack up against the best fantasy players in the world. There will be leader-boards and specific Fantasy Feud challenges.

Our online community provides a network of fantasy players for all users to test their skills against, both in daily and weekly competitions. Users customize the leagues they wish to join and can compete in FREE games or those that have monetary prizes.

Our Promise

Since our inception of the business, we set out to create and operate the premier Daily Fantasy Sports website. We have spent countless hours testing and perfecting our technology with third parties to ensure a safe and reliable experience for our players.

Three expectations that we want all of our users to place on us and are the values that our team operates under:

1. COMMITMENT TO INNOVATION: Fantasy Feud Inc. is not in business to make a quick dollar. We have big aspirations of where we expect the industry to go and our place among our competition.

2. YOUR FUNDS ARE SAFE: Fantasy Feud Inc. safeguards our players’ funds in a segregated bank account, separate from our operational account.

3. WE KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE A PLAYER: Your feedback will be the driving force behind what our business becomes. Our customer service team welcomes all feedback, constructive criticism, and ideas. There will be no shortage of forums to have your voice heard and we will respond to the best of our ability.


Please Visit FantasyDraft to See the latest Promotions. FantasyFeud was bought by FantasyAces, and then FantasyDraft Bought FantasyAces out of bankruptcy.
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