
Gender Rules Hanging on a Balance with Olympic Champion’s Case

The IAAF and Olympic champion Caster Semenya are in a standoff over issues involving hormones, performance, and gender rules in sports. It has reached an important phase as a five-day hearing starts this week.

The two-time gold medalist went to and from the Court of Arbitration for Sport on Monday. Although she didn’t answer questions from reporters, both her lawyers and IAAF legal team are trying their best to get the public to their side.

Both parties acknowledged that the ruling will have a huge impact on sports, especially when it comes to gender rules. Also, it will change how sports organizations will ensure fairness in world competitions.

Gender Rules and other Issues

Semenya’s legal team said that the heating criticized the IAAF for releasing the list of experts they planned to use as expert witnesses. Also, Semenya’s lawyers said the move was against the spirit of confidentiality over the hearings in order to get the sympathy of the sports news fans.

Caster Semenya

On the other hand, Semenya’s side also released their list of experts. According to the lawyers, they had the panel’s approval for the release. Some pay per head sportsbook experts think that the lawyers are hypocrites for something that they were also guilty of.

The IAAF defended that stand that athletes who identify as female but born with testes should keep their testosterone levels down to female range if they want to compete in the women’s category.

The organization also proposed several gender rules for athletes suffering from hyperandrogenism. It is a condition that gives women excessive levels of testosterone. Semenya wants the panel to dismiss the rules.

The current appeal case is the longest one in recent years. In fact, it might take the panel by the end of March to come up with a decision. Both parties didn’t comment about Monday’s session. Instead of idly waiting for the decision, you can learn how to be a bookie before the end of the proceedings.

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