Fantasy Golf -- This Week: $15K PGA Championship Tour Card & More – Handicappers Hideaway

Fantasy Golf — This Week: $15K PGA Championship Tour Card & More

100Th Pga Championship

The 100th PGA Championship at Bellerive Country Club

PGA Championship  Featured Contests Draft by 7/9 at 7:50am ET Check out the Great Fantasy Golf Contests for the 2018 PGA Championship. Contests with prizes up to $15,000. Click the banners and links and see the all in the Contest Lobby at FantasyDraft.

Per hole scoring accumulate points as follows:

Double Eagle 25 points for each double eagle
Eagle 10 points for each eagle
Birdie 5 points for each birdie
Par 1 points for each par
Bogey -1 points for each bogey
Double Bogey -2 points for each double bogey
Worse than Double Bogey -3 points for each hole worse than double bogey

Fantasydraft Daily Fantasy Sports

PGA Championship Tournament finish scoring:

1st 25 points
2nd 20 points
3rd 15 points
4th 13 points
5th 12 points
6th 11 points
7th 10 points
8th 9 points
9th 8 points
10th 7 points
11th – 15th 6 points
16th – 20th 5 points
21st – 25th 4 points
26th – 30th 3 points
31st – 40th 2 points
41st – 50th 1 points
51+ 0 points
Tournament finish scoring will be awarded to each golfers tied for each finish position, they will not reduce or average down points. For example, if 4 golfers tie for 7th place, each will receive 10 points for the 7th place finish. Per hole scoring will not count for holes played as a result of a playoff. Once the playoff is complete the final tournament finish scoring points will be applied to each golfer based on the results of the playoff and their subsequent finish position.

Bonuses and streaks scoring:

Streak of 3 Birdies or better (MAX 1 Streak Per Round) 3 points
Streak of 4 Birdies or better (MAX 1 Streak Per Round) 4 points
Streak of 5+ Birdies or better (MAX 1 Streak Per Round) 5 points
Bogey Free Round 5 points
Hole In One 5 points
A score of birdie (1 under par) or better on a hole counts towards the birdie streak.For example:
  •  On Hole 1 : par 4 : score 3 = birdie
  • Hole 2 : par 3 : score 1 = eagle + hole in one
  • On Hole 3 : par 5 : score 2 = double eagle
Golfer is awarded points for a 3 BIR STRK as they scored birdie or better on 3 holes in a row Only one of the Birdie streaks can be awarded in a round. For example:
  • Golfer gets 4 birdies in a row; they receive 4 BIR STRK points but will not receive 3 BIR STRK points.
  • Golfer gets 4 birdies in a row, then later in the round gets 3 birdies in a row. They would receive 4 BIR STRK points only.
In cases where a golfer starts on the back nine (hole #10), birdie streak would be awarded based on hole #10 being their first hole of the day. For example if they birdied physical holes #17, #18 and #1, that would count as a 3 BIR STRK. Birdie streaks can be awarded for rounds that are played over more than 1 day. For example: Round 2 starts on Friday and is completed on Saturday. Birdie streaks can be won for Round 2 even though it was not played all on the same day.

Birdie streak points are awarded in addition to Per Hole Scoring.

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