FanDuel Sportsbook Users In Illinois Faced Account Balance Issues After Maintenance – Handicappers Hideaway

FanDuel Sportsbook Users in Illinois Faced Account Balance Issues after Maintenance

FanDuel sportsbook users in Illinois complained about errors with their account balances after scheduled maintenance. Also, some users found themselves locked out of their accounts. The company was supposed to complete its maintenance by 7:30 am Thursday. However, the company announced that they were still working on some issues by 9:45 am.

FanDuel said their team is working to resolve issues after the scheduled maintenance. First, however, they want to ensure everything is accurate. Also, they wanted to thank their players for their patience.

According to Bwager sources, the sportsbook made another announcement at 5:51 pm the same day. They said that accounts are back. However, some player accounts still face some inconsistencies. They contacted the affected players via email to fix issues with their accounts.

FanDuel Sportsbook Users with Account Balance Issues

Fanduel Sportsbook Users In Illinois Faced Account Balance Issues After Maintenance

The issues players face vary. Some players found missing funds of up to $6,000 in their accounts after the maintenance. However, some players saw extra money in their accounts. FanDuel hasn’t made any decisions on individual credit.

Sports handicapping experts said not all accounts were back up as of Saturday morning. Although most accounts are working, some players still complained that their accounts showed incorrect accounts or were suspended.

FanDuel gave out free bets starting Friday. However, they varied in size. Some players received $20 and $50 up to a maximum of $350 free bets.

According to sportsbook pay per head sources, some players are missing more than $5,000 after the maintenance. However, the player received $5 in free bets. The player is waiting for the resolution of the missing balance.

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August 14, 2022 1:23 am


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