Atlanta Braves Fans Riot, SportsBettingOnline Responds With Refunds – Handicappers Hideaway

Atlanta Braves Fans Riot, SportsBettingOnline Responds With Refunds

Atlanta Braves Baseball

SportsBettingOnline Refunds Bets on Controversial Rule Against Atlanta Braves

San Jose, Costa Rica – October 6, 2012 – The controversial infield fly rule called by MLB umps in last night’s St. Louis Cardinals vs. Atlanta Braves game has left sports bettors feeling bruised by major league sports officials. But one online sportsbook is once against softening the blow felt by Atlanta Braves fans who saw their hopes and dreams for a 2012 playoff run come to an end. SportsBettingOnline has announced that they’re refunding all bets lost on last night’s Braves game.

“We all know that sports officials make some unfavorable calls every now and then, but I’m starting to think that these MLB umps were trained by the NFL replacement officials,” stated Dave Johnson, head oddsmaker for SportsBettingOnline. “Just like we did when the Green Bay Packers lost to the Seahawks after the incompetent replacement officials called a touchdown when defensive back M.D. Jennings clearly intercepted it, we’re refunding bets lost by those who bet on Atlanta to win. We know that this won’t change the fact that the Braves aren’t in the playoffs, but hopefully it makes those who placed bets with us happier.”

The Infield fly rules gives MLB umpires the right to call an automatic out on a popup when more than one runner is on base. Its goal is to prevent the field team from intentionally letting the ball drop in order to get an extra out. In essence, it was designed to protect the at-bat team. But last night, it ended up costing the Braves a playoff entry.

This is the fourth time in less than three months that SportsBettingOnline has refunded sports bettors who bet on a loser that was expected to win. In addition to the Packers refund, in June, the online sportsbook refunded every sports bettor who lost money on the Pacquaio-Bradley boxing match after the controversial results handed Bradley the win.

And in July, SportsBettingOnline refunded all members who lost money betting on Adam Scott. The pro golfer lost the Open Championship after leading by four strokes with just four holes to play.

All losing bets on Atlanta will be refunded today. Members of SportsBettingOnline will see their bet refunded into their SportsBettingOnline account reflected immediately.

Paying members cash for losing bets is fairly commonplace at SportsBettingOnline. Instead of running unrealistic promotions with ridiculous rollover requirements, SportsBettingOnline features a single cash back promotion that’s ongoing for all players.

Members of the online sportsbook receive 10% cash back, every week, win or lose. The 10% cash back offer is also offered at the sports book’s online casino and racebook.

More information on how the online sportsbook refunds players 10% per week can be found at SportsBettingOnline.

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