It’s the world’s first weekly progressive Sit & Go race where players can earn thousands of extra dollars just by playing these fast paced exciting tournaments.
We are digging deep into its pockets and redistributing a part of all of the Sit & Go fees (excluding Heeads Up SNGs) back to the players. It’s incredible extra value at absolutely no extra cost!
Here’s how it will work:
Players will earn points towards their weekly leader board total simply by playing in any of the marked Sit & Go tournaments. The more you play, the more points you earn and the higher you’ll rank on the Sit & Go leader board. The players who rank the highest on the leader board at the end of the week will be the Sit & Go Race champion and win the highest cash prize. The rest of the players who place in the race will be paid according to their overall finish.
The best part is, the cash leader board gets fuelled at absolutely no extra cost to the player. Each time that a player sits down at a Sit & Go they pay their normal fee, and the house will be adding cash to the race! For instance a 9 handed $10+1 Sit & Go the $1 would be the fee. We will be taking $0.25 out of that dollar of fee and putting it into the cash game leader board. In this case of a 9 handed Sit & Go, $2.25 will go towards the race.
Sit & Crush

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