2012 Breeder's Cup Classic And Breeder's Cup Ladies Classic Odds – Handicappers Hideaway

2012 Breeder’s Cup Classic and Breeder’s Cup Ladies Classic Odds

Betting Breeder's Cup Classic Betting     Odds to win 2012 Breeder’s Cup Classic Acclamation                       18/1 Algorithms                          30/1 Alpha                                    7/1 Alternation                         20/1 Animal Kingdom               7/1 Astrology                             85/1 Await The Dawn               60/1 Balladry                                75/1 Camelot                               75/1 Cease                                    60/1 Creative Cause  25/1 Dabirism                              100/1 Dialed In                              50/1 Dullahan                              12/1 El Padrino                            50/1 Emcee                                  75/1 Fed Biz                  40/1 Flat Out                                30/1 Fort Larned                         35/1 Frankel                 12/1 Game on Dude 7/2 Gemologist                         50/1 Golden Ticket                    40/1 Headache                            100/1 Hierro                                   100/1 Hunters Bay                       100/1 Hymn Book                         40/1 Jaycito                                  45/1 Liaison                                  40/1 Mission Impazible            35/1 Monterosso                       45/1 Mucho Macho                   100/1 Mucho Macho Man        12/1 Nates Mineshaft              50/1 Neck N Neck                      50/1 Out of Bounds                   60/1 Pants on Fire                      85/1 Paynter                                10/1 Prayer for Relief               100/1 Prospective                        75/1 Rail Trip                                25/1 Redeemed                         40/1 Richards Kid                        14/1 Rogue Romance               75/1 Ron The Greek  10/1 Royal Delta                         20/1 Ruler on Ice                        40/1 Shackleford                        75/1 Smart Falcon                      100/1 So You Think                      18/1 Soaring Empire  100/1 Soldat                                   45/1 Stay Thirsty                         60/1 Stetsuko                              35/1 Successful Dan  20/1 Suggestive Boy 20/1 Sway Away                         45/1 Take Charge Indy             100/1 Take Control                      45/1 Tapizar                  28/1 Thunder Moccasin           100/1 To Honor and Serve        18/1 Tobys Corner                     75/1 Transcend                           125/1 Trickmeister                       85/1 Uh Oh Bango                     60/1 Ultimate Eagle   28/1 Wheres Sterling                100/1 Wise Dan                             20/1 Wrote                                   125/1   Odds to win 2012 Breeder’s Cup Ladies Classic Absinthe Minded                             100/1 Afleeting Lady                   40/1 Amani                                                   18/1 Awesome Feather                          10/1 Awesome Maria                               40/1 Awesomemundo                             40/1 Believe You Can                                22/1 Broadways Alibi                                30/1 Brushed By A Star                            50/1 Cash For Clunkers                            50/1 Contested                                           15/1 Disposablepleasure                        22/1 Edens Moon                                      35/1 Ellafitz                                                   28/1 Grace Hall                                            20/1 Groupie Doll                                       75/1 In Lingerie                                           22/1 Include Me Out                                8/1 Its Tricky                                              9/2 Joyful Victory                                     50/1 Juanita                                                  60/1 La Tia                                                     45/1 Love And Pride                 15/1 Love Theway You Are    22/1 Mamma Kimbo                 35/1 My Miss Aurelia                                15/1 On Fire Baby                                      35/1 Pachattack                                          28/1 Plum Pretty                                        9/2 Potesta                                                                22/1 Questing                                              8/1 Reneesgotzip                                    45/1 Royal Delta                                         5/2 Shes All In                                           50/1 Switch                                                   45/1 Tiz Miz Sue                                          20/1 Vision In Gold                    25/1 Willa B Awesome                             40/1 Zazu                                                       9/1 Zo Impressive                                    24/1 Get All Your Breeder’s Cup Classic and Horse Racing Odds and a 50% Bonus up to $250 at Bovada Online Racebook.
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